Rye bread

Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Марта 2013 в 14:28, реферат

Краткое описание

Pure rye bread contains only rye flour, without any wheat. It can be made with either of two types of rye flour: light or dark. The color depends on the amount of bran left in the flour once the grain has been milled. Rye bread is traditionally baked for a long period of time in a covered tin.

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Орел, 2013

What is Rye Bread?

Bread is one of the oldest recipes known to man, and has been in use for at least several thousand years. It is unknown at what point rye bread came into being, but rye grain was introduced in about 500 CE when the Danes and the Saxons settled in Britain. Rye bread is made either entirely or partially with rye flour, and traditionally has a dark color, although many lighter varieties of light-colored rye bread have become common.

Pure rye bread contains only rye flour, without any wheat. It can be made with either of two types of rye flour: light or dark. The color depends on the amount of bran left in the flour once the grain has been milled. Rye bread is traditionally baked for a long period of time in a covered tin.

The rye grain itself is closely related to wheat, which is one reason why it lends itself so well to being made into bread. It grows very well in colder, northern climates such as those found in Russia and Northern Europe, making rye bread a common staple food of these areas. Care must be taken to prevent infection of rye fields by the ergot fungus, to which rye is very susceptible. When this fungus is eaten by humans, it can cause serious medical conditions, including hallucinations and convulsions.

A simple bread using just rye flour does not rise as high as wheat bread, but is significantly moister and remains fresh for longer, up to a period of months. This attribute makes the bread a popular choice for storage rations on long outdoor trips. In these circumstances, the bread is sliced very thinly because of its high density, and is sometimes sold pre-sliced in this way.

It is also common to combine rye with other grains and seeds. For example, in the United States, “rye bread” almost always refers to a bread that is a wheat-rye mix. This type of bread is given its strong and recognizable flavor from the presence of caraway seeds which are baked into it. The caraway seed is given this flavor by the oils present in it, making it a common spice in other recipes as well.

Rye bread in the U.S. is closely associated with Jewish-American cuisine, particularly the delicatessen. It is frequently used in sandwiches with salted meats such as pastrami and corned beef. This type of rye originally came from Eastern Europe, including some Russian varieties. It is also related to some Scandinavian breads which are made with spices like fennel and cardamom, and are common for use on special occasions. [5]

What Are the Benefits of Rye Bread?

There are several benefits of rye bread, including the healthy fiber it contains. Rye is a popular cereal grain and commonly used for making bread and rye crackers. Rye bread provides several nutrients, namely phosphorus and magnesium. Reducing cholesterol and improving cardiovascular health are other benefits of rye bread. Rye bread may even be beneficial in helping people lose weight.

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet that most varieties of white bread lack. Rye bread has significantly more fiber than white bread. Incorporating sufficient fiber into the daily diet can help regulate the digestive system. Many experts also believe that fiber can prevent certain types of cancer. Increasing dietary fiber also can help regulate insulin levels.

Due to its fiber content, benefits of rye bread may also include helping to keep body mass index (BMI) at a healthy level. Many people with a higher-than -ormal BMI find it easier to lose body fat when fiber intake is increased. Rye bread is a healthy alternative to other high-fiber grains. Studies have shown that eating rye bread can help suppress the appetite and keep a dieter feeling full after a meal. The feeling of fullness after eating rye bread may prevent dieters from snacking between meals, thus helping them lose weight.

Incorporating rye bread into the diet can also moderate blood glucose levels in certain people. Diabetics must carefully monitor sugar and carbohydrate intake, and choosing to eat rye bread instead of white can help keep insulin at a healthy level.

Unlike wheat bread, bread made from rye flour will retain most vital nutrients. Along with phosphorus and magnesium, both of which are essential for the body's metabolism, eating rye bread will nourish the body with B vitamins and protein. Benefits of rye bread also include substantial amounts of calcium and iron per serving.

Although all varieties of rye bread are not gluten-free, the amount of gluten in rye is significantly lower than in wheat bread. While it is not possible to produce a natural rye bread that is gluten free, substituting flax for rye can offer a good alternative. Rye-less bread made from flax has a similar texture and taste, along with proven health benefits. [2]

What Are the Best Tips to Make Rye Bread?

A person who wants to make rye bread should keep a number of things in mind no matter what recipe is used. The bread will turn out better if higher quality ingredients are used and if those ingredients are kept at the proper temperature. Rye bread should be baked in the center of an evenly heated oven, as well, so that it cooks through consistently.

One of the best tips to make rye bread is to use high quality ingredients. The main ingredient, rye flour, should be fresh and free from molds that can grow on the flour. If a wheat flour is also used in a recipe, using a high quality bread flour rather than an all-purpose or baking flour will yield better results. The water used to make rye bread will also effect the quality of the bread, and distilled water is preferred.

The yeast used in the bread can effect its consistency and flavor. Many types of yeast, including those used for brewing beer, can be used to make rye bread. Liquid yeasts, which are often kept refrigerated until they are needed, are usually more active than dried yeasts and are preferred. Quick-acting yeast can be used, but it changes the amount of time it takes for the dough to rise and may produce bread that is less consistent in texture. Yeast should be tested to make sure it is alive before it is mixed into the dough by placing a small amount in a little water and flour and waiting 10 minutes to see if bubbles form.

Keeping the ingredients at the proper temperature is another way to make rye bread turn out best. Yeast is a living organism and reproduces best in moderate temperatures. The water used to make the dough should be mixed in when it is at room temperature so that it doesn't shock the yeast. The dough itself should also be placed in a cool, draft-free area while it is rising.

Once the dough is ready to be baked, it is important to cook it evenly. To make rye bread cook consistently throughout the loaf, the oven used should be heated to the temperature given on the recipe and allowed to sit at that temperature for about a half hour before the bread is placed in the oven. Placing the loaf in the exact center of the oven will also help it to cook evenly. [3]

What Is Bread Machine Rye Bread?

A bread machine provides an automated way of making bread. The ingredients are placed inside, and the machine does almost all the work. It will stir the ingredients, allow the bread to rise for a set length of time and knead the dough. Virtually any kind of bread can be made inside a bread machine, with a vast number of recipes available. Bread machine rye bread is simply rye bread that is made in a bread machine using an appropriate rye bread recipe.

When making bread machine rye bread it is important to load all of the ingredients into the bread machine in the order specified in the recipe. Everything is generally placed into the machine in a specific sequence. Dumping things in without regard for the required order can result in bread that doesn’t rise, is too hard or too soft or is otherwise unsuitable for eating.

Another consideration when making bread machine rye bread is the settings on the machine. These settings control how the bread is stirred, kneaded and baked. If they aren’t set correctly, the bread will fail. Recipes that are intended for use in a bread machine will usually specify how the machine is to be set. The information included will typically include instructions regarding what cycle to use and how light or dark the rye bread should be when it is done baking.

Bread machines come in a variety of different sizes to make different sized loafs. A recipe for bread machine rye bread will specify what size loaf it will make. It is important not to put the ingredients for a 2 pound loaf (0.9 kg) into a 1 pound (0.45 kg) bread machine. Using recipes that do not match machine size can result in spills and overflow.

Many different kinds of prepared bread mixes are available for use in bread machines as well. Similar to the recipes made from scratch, the ingredients in a packaged bread mix must be added to the machine in a certain order in order to achieve the desired results. These packages typically specify the size loaf the mix will make, what ingredients are included the box and what ingredients the user must add to create a loaf. There are several variations on bread machine rye bread mixes, including dark, light and deli-style rye. Mixes are convenient and allow the user to easily try several recipes without purchasing many ingredients.

Rye bread made without any wheat flour imparts a strong, but not overwhelming, rye flavor to the recipe and usually requires that gluten be added to enhance the texture. White rye flour mixed with wheat flour makes a much lighter loaf with respect to color, flavor and texture, but it still has a distinctive rye flavor. Dark or black rye bread, also called pumpernickel, uses coffee and molasses in the recipe to create its dark color and heavy, chewy texture.

Some bread machine mixes use caramel coloring and dark flour to simplify the pumpernickel recipe. This keeps the look and texture of the bread. Caraway seeds can be added if desired to any rye bread recipe to give it a stronger flavor and a slightly different texture. [4]

How Do I Choose the Best Rye Breads?

Many people enjoy rye breads but you may not always be sure which ones are the best. For health-conscious folks, whether or not the bread is whole grain will be important. Many types of commercial rye bread are still made with enriched flour so it is important to read the label if this is a concern. Some folks like to make homemade rye bread, either by baking from scratch or using a bread machine. Other people just want the best-tasting rye breads.

When choosing any type of food, it is important to consider the information given on the label. A good rule of thumb is that products contain the most of whatever item is noted first on the ingredients list. Also, some products will use phrases such as “includes whole grain.” This is not the same 100% whole grain, so observe carefully.

The benefits of rye breads are many. While some consider it a “lesser” grain than other types, many important vitamins, minerals, and other elements are contained in rye. It is said by many that rye can help lessen the risk of cancer, help lower cholesterol, and help prevent heart disease. It is also suggested for weight loss and better digestion.

Rye breads also contain gluten. Due to this fact, rye isn’t recommended for people with issues such as celiac disease. While people practicing a gluten-free diet may wish to avoid rye breads, they also need to avoid wheat as well. Be aware of any product processed where items containing gluten are processed.

You can find a good deal of recipes for various types of homemade rye breads online. If you wish to bake your own bread, look for baking cookbooks as well. You can also purchase ready to make rye for use with a bread machine. If gluten is a concern, keep in mind that special bread flours may contain more gluten than your typical bag of flour.

Aside from the health benefits, rye breads are also very tasty, alone as well as when paired with specific foods. Rye bread tastes very good toasted. There are many varieties including dark, light, with caraway seeds, or without, and the loaves are available in numerous sizes and shapes. Some deli favorites include corned beef or pastrami on rye, as the flavor of the bread complements the flavor of the meat. Heartier, or denser, rye breads tend to be preferred for deli-style sandwiches. [1]



  1. http://www.wisegeek.com/how-do-i-choose-the-best-rye-breads.htm
  2. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-benefits-of-rye-bread.htm
  3. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-best-tips-to-make-rye-bread.htm
  4. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-bread-machine-rye-bread.htm
  5. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-rye-bread.htm


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